Tuesday, September 22, 2009

'Things' 21,22,23- Social Networking and Summary

Twitter ditter dither - face to face, phone, email, text including hand writing cards is absolutely more than enough for me to keep in touch with the significant others in my life and essential work and life matters.I do not want any unwelcome followers.
As a parent of the "Me, MYSpace, I" generation, Facebook & My Space have their anti social presence in my household with the familiar "Just a few more minutes mom". Surprisingly one son thinks these sites are just for anti-social losers with no REAL friends. Only as part of my discovery exercise I created an account to UNPLUG shortly afterwards as I had all these followers(friends is not the right word!).
In summary, THANKYOU for this 23 things learning adventure which has been a great opportunity for me to play and explore both 'things' that were familiar and others that I have not cared before to know more about. Undoubtedly there are tremendous benefits to many of these Web2 technologies but being in the education industry it is imperative that we reflect on just how useful they are in facilitating student engagement and deep learning. The role of Blogs, RSS and Podcasts will undoubtedly play an increasing role in library related resource and service communication.
Infoglut and Datasmog and its huge timesinking remains my concern - just how much information can one effectively absorb! For me "unplugging" more is the way for my REAL and soul saving future, and perhaps for many more people as well, as revealed by the research observations in "The New Social Disease" or perhaps it should read "The New ANTI-Social disease"!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Things' 19,20- YouTube Metube ,Podcast, Smodcasts.'

Enjoyed clicking and viewing and listening through YouTube - especially my all time favorites the GoBetweens and "Streets of our town". Not surprisingly Library related stuff was not in the most popular- perhaps we can make it so.:)
And information OVERitload with all those Podcasts directories - only explored Podcast Alley and browsed a Library related listing and listened to a few - short and non-irritating voice is key I believe.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

'Things' 17,18 - Googleworld

McDonalization is no longer it is Googlization!! Love GoogleMaps tho' and use it frequently. GoogleDocs was worth knowing about however one has to be mindful of the privacy/ security of what they save. And iGoogle perhaps for me... I will see....

'Things' 15,16 - Wikis

When I first saw that word "Folksonomies' I went straight to Wikipedia- often a favorite of mine I must confess for background info on topics (a habit I gathered from my childrens experience). The Library success: a best practices wiki is well worth exploring and I particulary enjoyed the Podcasting section and the Curtin experience with podcasts and video tutorials. The Libnet task instructions currently do not work.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

'Things' 13,14 - Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati

Explored Del icio us and good value for accessing and sharing bookmarks from multiple sites. Followed a few tags clicked through a few more and now all blurred into a single technological trance. I guess it depends on your topic but I prefer Googling! As for the home of 51 million blogs Technorati-and soon to be 100 million!! - brain freeze stuff especially after browsing 'Whats popular'.